Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 9:21 AM
Site: Saint Martin's University Moodle
Course: Saint Martin's University Moodle (SMU)
Glossary: Math Notation Help
\_ (where _ is blank) - Ordinary whitespace to be used after a dot not denoting the end of a sentence
- After commands without parameters use \~ (tilde) instead in order to avoid browser specific problems
\, - \, inserts the smallest predefined space in a formula
- Equivalent: \hspace{2}
- Ex.: $$a\,b$$ gives
- Ex.: $$a~\hspace{2}~b$$ gives also
\; - \; (backslash semicolon) inserts the third smallest predefined space in a formula
- Equivalent: \hspace{6}
- Ex.: $$a\;b$$ gives
- Ex.: $$a~\hspace{6}~b$$ gives also
\: - \: inserts the second smallest predefined space in a formula
- Equivalent: \hspace{4}
- Ex.: $$a\:b$$ gives
- Ex.: $$a~\hspace{4}~b$$ gives also
\/ (backslash slash) - \/ (backslash slash) avoids ligatures
- Ex.: $$V\/A$$ gives in contrast to $$VA$$ which gives
\~ - In order to prevent some browser specific problems with whitespaces, it is advisable to use ~ (tilde) as the whitespace instead of the normal blank key (in places where whitespaces are mandatory, e.g. after commands).
- Ex.: $$\frac~xy$$ to produce
- Ex.: $$\sqrt~n$$ to produce
\hspace{n} - inserts a space of n pixels
- Ex.: $$f(x)\hspace{6}=\hspace{6}0$$ gives
- can be combined with the preceding command \unitlength{m}(default: m=1px) , which defines the applied unit
- Ex.: $$\unitlength{20}a\hspace{2}b$$ gives , i.e. a space of 20x2=40px
\LARGE (all capital letters) - Everthing following the \LARGE command will be output in the largest predefined font size until the system encounters another font size command.
- Note: This command is case sensitive, since large, Large and LARGE are different sizes!
- Ex.: $$\LARGE~3x$$ gives
\Large (L capital letter) - Everthing following the \Large command will be output in the second largest font size until the system encounters another font size command.
- Note: This command is case sensitive, since large, Large and LARGE are different sizes!
- Ex.: $$\Large~3x$$ gives
\large (all lower case letters) - Everthing following the \large command will be output in the large font size until the system encounters another font size command.
- Note: This command is case sensitive, since large, Large and LARGE are different sizes!
- Ex.: $$\large~3x$$ gives