Browse the glossary using this index
Special |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
square root - $$\sqrt{a}$$ or $$\sqrt~a$$ gives
- Use braces for terms with more than one character: $$\sqrt{x+y}$$ gives
subscript - The command character "_" triggers subscription of the following expression(s).
- For more than one subscripted character put them in braces {...}.
- Use font sizing commands for appropriate sizing.
- Ex.:$$x_1$$ gives
- Ex. (with specific sizing): $$x_{\small1}=a_{\small{m+2n}}$$ gives
- Combine subscripting with superscripting (command character "^").
Syntax: Expr_{subExpr}^{supExpr}. - Ex.: $$A_{\small{i,j,k}}^{\small{-n+2}}$$ gives
sum (summation) - General syntax for symbols with a kind of lower and upper limits:
\symbolname_{<em>lowerexpression</em>}^{<em>upperexpression</em>} - In general, there are two ways how these lower and upper expressions can be placed: centered below and above the symbol or in a subscript / superscript manner. In the first case the symbol name is preceded by the word "big", in the second there is no prefix.
- Syntax for summation symbol:
$$\bigsum_{i=k}^{n}$$ gives and $$\sum_{i=k}^{n}$$ gives
$$\LARGE\bigsum_{\small{i=1}}^{\small{n}}$$ gives and $$\large\sum_{\small{i=1}}^{\small{n}}$$ gives |
superscript - The command character "^" triggers superscription of the following expression(s).
- For more than one superscripted character put them in braces {...}.
- Use font sizing commands for appropriate sizing.
- Ex.: $$x^2$$ gives
- Ex. (with specific sizing): $$x^{\small2}=a^{\small{m+2n}}$$ gives
- Combine superscripting with subscripting (command character "_").
Syntax: Expr_{subExpr}^{supExpr}. - Ex.: $$A_{\small{i,j,k}}^{\small{-n+2}}$$ gives
tau (lower case greek letter) $$\tau$$ gives |
TeX notation allows for the expression of ASCII characters to generate formatted graphics output |
theta (lower case greek letter) $$\theta$$ gives |
Theta (upper case greek letter) $$\Theta$$ gives |
times $$a\times~b$$ gives |
triangle $$\triangle~abc$$ gives |