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cdot (multiplication)

$$a\cdot~b$$ gives a\cdot~b

chi (lower case greek letter)

$$\chi$$ gives \chi


  • Numbers in formulas are interpreted as constants and they are rendered in non-italic roman font face, which is a widely used convention.
  • Following this convention, variables are shown in italic.
  • Exp.: $$f(x)=3a+x$$ gives


contour integral

  • General syntax for symbols with a kind of lower and upper limits:


  • In general, there are two ways how these lower and upper expressions can be placed: centered below and above the symbol or in a subscript / superscript manner. In the first case the symbol name is preceded by the word "big", in the second there is no prefix.
  • Syntax for the contour integral symbol:

$$\bigoint_{0}^{\infty}$$   gives  



$$\oint_{0}^{\infty}$$   gives 


  • Use font size commands for a nicer picture:

$$\LARGE\bigoint_{\small0}^{\small\infty}$$   gives  



$$\large\oint_{\small0}^{\small\infty}$$   gives 



  • General syntax for symbols with a kind of lower and upper limits:


  • In general, there are two ways how these lower and upper expressions can be placed: centered below and above the symbol or in a subscript / superscript manner. In the first case the symbol name is preceded by the word "big", in the second there is no prefix.
  • Note: mimeTeX seems currently only to support the \bigcoprod command.
  • Syntax for coproduct symbol:

$$\bigcoprod_{i=k}^{n}$$   gives  


  • Use font size commands for a nicer picture:

$$\LARGE\bigcoprod_{\small{i=k}}^{\small~n}$$   gives  
