Log in to Saint Martin's University Moodle
Log in using your account on:
Is this your first time here?
Please log in using your Saint Martin's University network account username and password. For students, the username is typically "FirstName.LastName" (Ex: John.Smith). For instructors, the username is typically "FLastName” (Ex: JSmith). Moodle will NOT accept your email address as your login. Your network account password is the same for Moodle, Email, and Self-Service.Your SMU network account password will expire every 150 days, as per University policy. Accounts that have not been in use for six months will be disabled and will not be able to access any SMU systems, including Moodle, Email, Self-Service, and more. To reset your password or inquire about the status of your account, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 360-688-2222. The ITS Help Desk is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm, excluding dates of campus closure on Main Campus.
To change your password, please visit the password change website linked here.
If you are a new user and do not have a Saint Martin's University network account, please request your network account here: https://www.stmartin.edu/directory/integrated-technology-services