Browse the glossary using this index
Special |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
math spaces List of predefined spaces: Math Spaces | Command | Example | Result | \, (smallest predefined) | $$a\,b$$ | | \: (second smallest predefined) | $$a\:b$$ | | \; (third smallest predefined) | $$a\;b$$ | | \/ (avoiding ligatures) | $$V\/A$$ instead of $$VA$$ | instead of | \quad (space of current character set size) | $$a\quad~b$$ | | \qquad (double space of current character set size) | $$a\qquad~b$$ | | \_ (where _ is blank!) | $$a\ b$$ (whereas $$a\b$$ is not a valid filter expression since the blank space is missing; it is recommended to use the tilde ~ instead of the simple whitespace) |
| \hspace{n} ,where n positive integer (= n Pixels) | $$a~\hspace{30}~b$$ $$a~\hspace{15}~b$$ $$a~\hspace{2}~b$$ $$a~\hspace{1}~b$$ |
| \unitlength{m}\hspace{n}, changes the default unit length (m=1px) to be applied | $$a~\hspace{2}~b\unitlength{10}~\hspace{2}~c$$ (second space is 10x2=20px) | |
Note: Simple blank spaces and tildes (~) are ignored by the TeX filter and don't produce any space. You must use one of the defined math spaces to get a visible (extra) space. |
mathematics expression - A valid expression inside the $'s is rendered as mathematics in an inserted gif image.
- Ex.: $$x=y^2$$ creates
matrix - An (m,n)-matrix is considered as an array of m*n elements, where the elements of a column are separated by "&" and the rows by "\\".
Note in the example above that "lcr" has the effect that column 1 is left aligned, column 2 centered and colums 3 right aligned. |
minus $$-$$ is |
minus plus $$\mp~a$$ gives |
mu (lower case greek letter) $$\mu$$ gives |
multiplication $$x*y=z$$ is |
multiplication (with cdot) $$a\cdot~b$$ gives |